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Thursday, February 7, 2019

What are the strategies needed to win big brother naija 2019 - OGFUNDS BLOG

While there are always similarities in gameplay, always has winners that achieved it in a different way. i guess if i was a housemate, this is what i would think about.

alliances- they’re important. like really important. they can also be a houseguest’s downfall, but they can bring someone very far. it just has to be a stable alliance with trustworthy people.

social game- also so important. you need to connect with people and have them sympathize with you. be well liked in the house. you won’t have a big target on your back. be social, do not hold back.

thought out plans- have a reason why you are nominating someone. have a reason for a backdoor. have a reason for vetoing someone. just think about how this effects the future and how it effects the other houseguests. rash and impulsive decisions usually don’t work. and always be careful with a backdoor plan. there is many ways it could go wrong. it’s risky (but entertaining).

emotions- keep your emotions and check and do not blow up on people. this will make you a target, and it will give people a good reason to target you.

planning and talking- always watch what you are saying. don’t reveal someone’s plans or trash talk someone without trusting the person you’re talking to. especially if they’re not on your side. this will probably lead to rumors about you. 

eviction voting- be smart when you vote. go with what you want and do not let other people sway you (i guess beside the nominees).

knowing the game- it’s important to know how big brother works to be able to win. 

your game- lastly, make sure you are playing your own game. do not let play anyone elses. do not let someone make decisions for you if you are head of household or hold the veto. they really are not looking at for you; they are looking out for them. do what you feel is best for your game. 

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